Volshebnaya palochka

logo for product

Portfolio Portfolio


To develop an identity for the production of skirting boards and cornices


2 weeks

About the project

Despite the name, we were faced with the task of making a serious “not cartoonish” logo for the Magic Wand trademark, under which several types of repair products are produced - cornices, skirting boards and thresholds. The concept is based on a minimalistic typeface, a feature of which is the unique shape of the letter "a".

Thanks to the straight lines and right angles, the letter represents the company's products, which can be identified by colors. The location of the color in the letter is also not accidental and is tied to the place where the goods are attached in the room - for example, the cornices are located in the upper right corner, and the baseboards are in the lower left. The thickness and color of the lines in the logo are supposed to be used to create branded graphics that will allow you to quickly identify the product on the store shelf.