Bright, attractive and stylish package for a new product
3 weeks
About the project
The name of sweets has determined the idea of design conception.It was decided to create the main character, a cute black cat. Our illustrators have made several scetches of cat’s head with bright accessories: sunglasses, a flower crown, a bow tie and other interesting details. As a result, our black cat with a bow tie on the neck turned out to be attractive, formidable and pleased with himself.
Vertical position of the label let us to highlight the brand-zone. On the side of the label there is a logo, large italics lettering. Vertical red lines complement perfectly the red bow tie; as a result, the colour palette has minimum combination of glossy red and deep black colours. Our design has proved its commercial importance, by showing good sales.
Client – CJSC «Sormovo Confectionery Factory»
Sormovskaya Confectionery Factory traces its origins from the early 20th century. Nowadays it is considered as one of the visiting cards of Nizhniy Novgorod. Since 2003 Sormovskaya Confectionery Factory is a part of UNICONF holding. During its century-old history the factory earned the title of «sweet» factory. Treats are very popular with adults and children.